Dear parents,
We are working hard on our 7th Green flag. The theme for this flag is Global Citizenship and Energy. Every class Is involved in this programme and we are learning what it means to be a global citizen and how our actions impact lives in different parts of the world. Our committee are also working hard on some energy saving tips for our homes so keep an eye on the school website. We are also continuing to work on all of the other themes. This is an important part of the assessment as we have to show we are still focusing on litter and waste, energy, water, travel and biodiversity.
In relation to litter and waste, we are working towards waste free lunches and a litter free school. We encourage children to use reusable drink bottles and to use tubs for lunches instead of tin foil. Tin foil takes between 200-500 years to break down when it is placed in landfill. Children will bring home their waste in their lunch boxes and the junior classes are working hard to keep our school litter free.
WOW Days
We started our WOW (Walk on Wednesdays) days again on January 18th will continue them for the remainder of the school year. WOW days are a great way for children to get some fresh air before school and it helps to improve the air around our school.
On Wednesdays we encourage all children to come to school in a green way by doing one of the following;
a. Park and walk-park in the old school and children walk down. Please do not drive down to the school with your child’s bag as this is not part of WOW.
b. Come to school on the bus.
c. Walk/cycle to school if it is safe to do so.
d. Carpool with a neighbour or relatives.
Please follow usual safety rules about helmets and wearing high vis jackets where needed. High vis jackets can be ordered for free from the Road Safety Authority by clicking here.
Below are some energy saving tips from researched by members of our Green Schools Committee.
We appreciate your support,
The Green-Schools Committee.
Switch to Energy saving LED light bulbs. They use a fraction of electricity than CFL bulbs and lasts much longer.
Turning off all switches overnight or when not at home will save on expenses.
A-rated appliances are up to 70% more efficient. Only run full loads in your dishwasher, washing machine and tumble dryer.
Washing your clothes on a cold wash can reduce energy use by 75%
Adjusting your fridge temperature to 4 degrees could save 25%.
Maintaining a full fridge of food keeps it cooler with less energy usage.
Programmable thermostats give you control over heating and cooling.
Zoned heating helps you heat areas more efficiently. Reducing settings to between 18 -20 degrees can save 10% on costs.
Gaming equipment and devices left on standby uses lots of energy.
Smart plugs with a timer or smart power strips will save on energy and save you money.
Turning devices on power saving mode can reduce energy usage by 4 %.
Energy monitors and apps can give you information on your current usage and will help you manage your spending..
Éabha and Ryley, 4th Class
