Email: killeshinnsparents@gmail.com
The Parents’ Association of Killeshin N.S. is the structure through which parents in the school can work together for the best possible education for their children. The Parents’ Association works with the principal (Mr. Conor Denieffe); Staff and the Board of Management to build effective partnership between the home and school. Meetings are held on the second Monday of every month.
All parents/guardians of children attending Killeshin National School are automatically members of the Parents’ Association. Each year, in October at the Parents’ Association Annual General Meeting a new committee is elected to work on behalf of parents for the following year. The committee is the team of people who manage the activities of the Parents’ Association on behalf of all the parents. The team has shared responsibility for:
Planning for the future and developing a vision for Killeshin N.S. Parent Association
Planning and managing the programme of activities for the year
Communicating, consulting with and involving as many parents as possible in the activities of the parent association
Communicating and consulting with other partners in the school community, in particular regarding the development and reviewing of school policies
Planning agendas and keeping records of meetings
Looking after finances
Linking with the National Parents Council Primary
Educational research on the involvement of parents in schools shows that children achieve higher levels when parents and teachers work together. Parents’ Association can suggest and/or organize extra-curricular activities. The Parents’ Association can invite speakers to address the parents on issues which are topical or relevant.
The Parents’ Association is a support for parents in the school and is committed to ensuring our new school is one of the most technically modern schools in the locality and provide our children with a good balanced education into the future. To date laptops, digital cameras, interactive white boards, computer software, literacy resources, library books, microphones and sound system have been purchased with money raised. The Parents’ Association also organize events such as Communion and Graduation parties, Touch-typing , ‘Scratch’ Computer Programming lessons for students, Study Skills Training, Educational talks for parents, Fundraisers such as the Christmas Hamper Prize Draw, Annual Calendar, Easter Quiz Night.
During the year 2019 the Parents' Association funded the upgrading of the basketball courts. New backing boards and nets were purchased and put in place and new yellow lines were painted. During the 2021/22 school year the Parents' Associations funding allowed us to install our new playground equipment including our new boat, school bus, mud kitchen, Siopa and Stáisiúin an Gharda Síochána.
Killeshin National School Parents Association Committee 2022/2023:
Chairperson: Louise Doyle
Assistant Chairperson: Geraldine Hennessy
Treasurer: Debbie Cushe
Secretary: Roberta O'Neill
The Parents Committee always need, appreciate and welcome volunteers who are willing to give up some of their spare time to assist with activities.